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The Information Institute (II) exists to enhance the status of professionals engaged in learning, teaching and commercial practice through improving the nature, design and communication of information within organizations. It seeks to develop and maintain high individual standards through assessing and providing evidence of individual core competencies.

Subjects relating to information have emerged in recent years as the most pervasive and fastest growing fields in universities and research centers globally. These include all aspects of business information systems, information science, information technology and information management in attempts to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and performance of organizations. Contemporary topics are frequently characterized through information-intensive processes such as e-business and e-commerce systems, knowledge management and systems innovation. The last decade has seen an unparalleled increase in the adoption and diffusion of these new information-artefacts (systems and technologies), which have had a significant impact on organizational design, structures and behavior. The rationale for research in this area is to investigate, evaluate and disseminate theoretically grounded and valid approaches for information-exploitation in these complex environments.

Membership of II is open to any professional who has demonstrated a successful career progression and an evident contribution to their respective information-related field. Successful membership offers a benchmark for further personal development and career aspirations.

Benefits of Joining

II membership includes professional recognition of competence and status, significant opportunities for publishing and a 10% reduction in the registration for all II events and FREE subscription to the online version of Journal of Information Science & Technology (JIST).

Membership of II is expected to become a prime source of intellectual and applied acknowledgement for all professionals engaged in the support of information-enabled activities in both industry and academia internationally.

II is governed by its members and continually seeks to reflect their views, values and concerns for the promotion, dissemination and communication of high quality research and practice within information-intensive disciplines.

Our mailing address:

The Information Institute
2020 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Ste 904
Washington DC 20006


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